Blog #13

I figured out a lot of stuff in the past few weeks. I figured out pathfinding, jumpscares, and how to change player health.


I had to use a free model, but I made some changes so I could 1 shot someone and changed the looks (for now). I read the whole script and it is 513 lines, so I won’t show the pictures.


Finally got this one to work. I have no clue what was wrong but it is a gui jumpscare that shows a photo and plays a sound when a certain part is touched.

Here is the code:

The only problem is that the debounce doesn’t work so you can keep playing he jumpscare over and over.

Debounce is a funtion in Lua that prevents something from being triggered over and over again. In line 21 it says debounce = false which means that debounce is set to false at the end of the script so it can be played over and over again. I then changed it to true so it would only play once for the local player.

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